Once your package has shipped from our facility, you will receive a
shipping confirmation email that contains a tracking number. You can click on the Tracking Number.
Yes, we offer discounts. Please sign up for our Newsletter to stay informed with all our latest Offers, Coupon and Deals. Don't worry, we do not send too many emails or messages.
All our Boxing and Martials arts clothing are in standard US size. Please refer to size chart if available on the listing image gallery or contact us for more information.
Once your product has shipped, it usually takes to 10 business days in the USA to get delivered. Please note that we have shared the maximum delivery time here, maybe you receive your item earlier than what has been mentioned above.
Yes, within 30 days of receipt, if the item is in its original condition and keeps all accompanying tags and labels. You will have to send us the item by post. For more information, please review or Returns Policy.
Yes, the pages that ask your personal details in work under a secure connection (SSL). The card details are entered only in the web of the bank; we have no access to them.
Yes, within 15 days of receipt, if the item is in its original condition and keeps all accompanying tags and labels. Both return shipping and delivery of the exchange item will be charged to the customer. You will have to send us the item by post. If you wish to return or exchange an item, please Contact Us.
How can I track my order?